12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Полянская Ирина Николаевна313
Россия, Москва, Москва

Economic system in Russia

Firuza: Hello, how are you? Have you already read the published articles about the economic situation of the Russian Federation today?

Marina: Hello, okay, yes, I read it, and we should discuss it and discuss topics that interest each other.

Firuza: Okay. What is one of the key indicators of the economic situation in the country?

Marina: Our president, in accordance with the article, called for an improvement in the well-being of citizens, and also spoke about the stable state of public finances.

Firuza: I also read that he said that at the beginning of 2023, some experts predicted that Russia’s budget deficit would increase to 3-5% of GDP, but in reality the value turned out to be several times lower. How did the leadership take care of strengthening the financial sector of the Russian Federation?

Marina: Support measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation play an important role in stabilizing the economy. One can observe a gradual restoration of imports, made possible thanks to preferential lending programs for importers, simplification of some customs procedures, and the abolition of duties on imports of investment goods. What is the state of the Russian economy today?

Firuza: Is in a state of equilibrium, which was achieved thanks to timely implementation of government support measures. But I wonder what measures exactly?

Marina: For example, the transfer of foreign consumers of Russian energy resources to payment in rubles made it possible to stabilize the exchange rate and avoid additional risks of loss of foreign exchange earnings of exporters, as noted by Alexey Vedev, an expert at the Institute of Applied Economic Research of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. What is the situation with sanctions?

Firuza: In general, the policy pursued by the Government of the Russian Federation to combat the consequences of sanctions is bearing fruit. International organizations (IMF, World Bank, OECD) do not predict a collapse of the Russian economy in 2023. I wonder how the Central Bank of the Russian Federation feels about this?

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation sees prospects for slowing inflation. Already from the second half of 2023, the Russian economy can move to recovery growth.

Firuza: I was very interested, goodbye!

Marina: Goodbye! The next time new articles are published, we should once again discuss all the points that interest us.

Автор материала: М. Петросян (3 курс)

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